Jan 26, 2011

Time Has Come Today! January 26, 2011

Finally, I am making time to start blogging again!

Here are some new/returning course offerings for the 2011-2012 school year.

Read On!

Wind/Symphonic Band (new 2011-2012) Year- long course

Symphonic/Wind Band is an instrumental group comprising the marching and symphonic/wind band styles of performance. This full-year course is open by audition/director invitation only to a limited number of students in grades 10-12. The marching band component includes summer band camp; field practice for performances at football games, marching shows, marching for parades and performance involvement within the local community.
The symphonic/wind band component includes after-school/occasional nightly sectional rehearsals as well as performances at public, department and school presentations. Students are expected to participate in all of these activities. Music Theory 951 is highly recommended for students who wish to participate in this performance group. This is an ensemble for serious musicians who are expected to practice a minimum of 3 hours a week. Students in this ensemble are highly encouraged to take private lessons on their instrument outside of school. Instrumentation for this ensemble will be limited to approximately 60 seats: 8 flutes, 8-9 clarinets, 1-2 bass clarinets, 1-2 oboes, 1-2 bassoons, 4 alto saxes, 2 tenor saxes, 1 bari sax, 4 horns, 9-10 trumpets, 6 trombones, 2 euphoniums, 2 tubas, and 6-8 percussionists. Students will be expected to perform literature at an advanced difficulty level. Auditions for acceptance into symphonic/wind band will be held each year in January/early February.

Honors Credit - will be awarded if the following criteria are met. The student is taking private lessons during the school year and/or performing with an ensemble outside of the school day ie. SNHU Community Band, Windham Community Band, Manchester Community Music School Band or Orchestra. The Student must participate in the NHMEA All State audition process.

This course may be repeated for credit

961 A History of Rock Music Semester course

This course is a survey of the growth and development of rock music, beginning with the study of Afro-American field songs and chants, up to and including rock styles of the present day. The basic elements of music: rhythm, melody, harmony, tone color, forms and texture are studied. This course may not be repeated for credit.
This course fulfills the fine art requirement.

970 Treble Choir Year- Long Course

Nothin’ but Treble is an audition-only group with a maximum enrollment of 30 students. The performance of various arrangements in the SSA and SSAA vocal repertoire helps the student to experience proper rehearsal procedures, choral blend and balance. Styles of choral music covered will include spirituals, sacred, rock and jazz. Annual performances are part of the course requirement. Students are urged to give of their time in order to reach those in the community who cannot attend public or school performances.

There will be more information in the music room with regards to the Wind/Symphonic Band sign up and audition requirements.
Hopefully, there will be school tomorrow it's been so long - I hope you haven't forgotten me :-)


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